Mr. Graham Niven,from Raeford, NC,  is no longer affiliated with this Website not the Mail List
Doug, Stu & River Rising Caps [click for more]
Doug, Stu, wearing River Rising Hats,
Incline Village, August 1998 [more]
Creedence Clearwater Revisited South American Tour

General Schedule & Information

The Duck Kee Market sign has been stolen!  

Thieves in Oakland, California, have ripped off the Duck Kee Market sign pictured on the "Willy and the Poor Boys" cover [September 1998]. Rick DelVecchio wrote an article on the theft in the Francisco Chronicle. He added: "I'd love to write that the sign has been recovered.  My phone number is 510-433-5985; fax 510-834-5556."

Or send your email to The River Rising Web

Newreleases.jpg (4220 bytes)

All the info about the two Live Albums released in June 1998. Look also for Real Audio and MPEG sound files from RECOLLECTION on this Website.

John Fogerty
Creedence Clearwater Revisited

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Headlines 1998
All the John Fogerty / Creedence Clearwater Revisited Breaking News.
On Tour 98
Full report on the John Fogerty / Creedence Clearwater Revisited 1998 concert dates.
Mailing List Information
The River-Rising  is the largest CCR Mail List on the Net and it's free to join! Subscribe Now!
band2.jpg (10636 bytes) What´s New at This Site
Updates and the newest sections at the River Rising Web.
Creedence Classic
Creedence Clearwater Revival History, Albums, Bootlegs, General Info.
John Fogerty
The Creedence Frontman.
band3.jpg (11353 bytes) Creedence Revisited
Stu Cook and Doug Clifford's revisitation of the classic band.
Stu CookThe Creedence Bass Guitar. Doug Clifford
The Creedence Drummer.
band4.jpg (10323 bytes) Tom Fogerty
The Creedence Rhythm Guitar [died Sept. 6, 1990]
Creedence Reference on the Web
All the other Creedence Websites you cannot miss.
Creedence Summit in LA 97
Cosmo's Factory [Stu & Doug's 1997 band] and John Fogerty in L.A in May 1997.
EMAIL EMAIL US YOUR EXPERIENCES, REVIEWS, IDEAS  Even if you don't subscribe, you're welcome here! Thanks.
about.jpg (4909 bytes) This Site was started on September 20, 1996. The Mailing List was on-line in August the 28th.

The Web Site  Manager is Javier Diaz, Santiago - Chile.  The Discography Consultants are Robert Aerts - Belgium, and Bruno Berthold, Québec, Canada. "Born on the Bayou" River Rising theme performed by Bruno. The River Rising Web is made with the contributions of the Mailing List Subscribers. Our purpose is educational and non-commercial. Thanks.

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"Don't take me on friday
'cause that's when I get paid"

Creedence Clearwater Revival - The Working Man
Written by John Fogerty

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